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Keeping British Taxis Connected with Multi-Network Roaming SIMs

Taxi & Despatch M2M Data Only Sim Cards M2M Data Only Sim Cards The Taxi & Logistics industry is highly dependent on connectivity so choosing the right solution is key.

Taxi Fleets and logistics companies are now seeing the benefit of using M2M Data Only Sim cards rather than business plans and by doing so have eradicated driver abuse and network overage costs by having an M2M Platform to view sim estate.

We offer a bespoke service to build a M2M Data Only Sim plan to suit your needs. M2M Data Connect supply M2M Data Only Sim cards and manage many Taxi Fleets across the UK with all despatch systems including Autocab, iCabbi, Cordic, Datamaster, Datamaster, Cabmaster Cab Treasure, Infocabs DDS plus more.

We don’t supply “cheap” data only sim cards but the most reliable in your area and one within budget. Depending on device we can provide dual sim solution and voice enable the sim card to allow your drivers to use the “driver connect feature” which are core to Autocab & iCabbie Taxi Despatch system.

Cheap Taxi Sim Cards

Cheap taxi sim cards are exactly that, don’t be fooled in buying a cheap taxi sim card as it can end up costing you much more than you ever expected. Cheap taxi sim cards are either business sim cards or broadband sim cards and can be used in any device or taken out the country where you will will be charged heavily once connected onto the networks.

Cheap taxi sim cards connect on the public networks not private secure networks which M2M Data Only Sim Cards run off so are much more likely to encounter a network outage when doing upgrades to the network.

Here are just some of the benefits that M2M Data Only Sim Cards give you over Cheap taxi sim cards;

  • Mange all sim cards yourself though management portal
  • Add alerts and watchdogs to prevent excess data usage by misuse or abuse
  • Disable/ activate sim cards instantly
  • Cannot be used outside UK
  • No Overage charges Add Voice and SMS
  • 100% Secure

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